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Encourage Your Little One’s Growth

Create personalized audio content that grows with your child - made for popular screen-free players like Yoto and Tonies.

Content That Promotes Development

From big sibling moments to potty training victories - create content that helps your child grow.


Turn Challenges into Triumphs

Help your child with stories about sharing, bedtime battles, or welcoming a new sibling.

Make Learning an Adventure

Make any topic exciting. Learn about states, animals, or numbers through personalized content.

Spark Their Imagination

Put your child right into stories about their favorite things - exploring space, saving the day as a superhero, or going on a dinosaur adventure.

Content That Grows With Your Child


Learn sleep routines, play songs with their name, or hear first words.


Learn to tackling big feelings. Turn them into heroes who save the day in space or in the jungle.

School Age

Use the things they are obsessed with to learn. Make math fun. Tackle important issues like teasing through age 12.

Works With Popular Audio Players

Start Your Journey

Join our waitlist to be first to create personalized content for your little ones.